President's Call

Dear Friends of KidCare,
As the needs of desperately disadvantaged children in the world grow, the caring people of KidCare International continue to shine as a beacon of “Hope” in an ever increasing dark world. For me, this call began over thirty years ago when I felt challenged to take action and reach out to help desperate children suffering in my own backyard.
The grass roots of KidCare International (KCI) began in 1991 with friends gathering to prepare and feed hungry children and their families in our local parks. Moving from park picnic tables, to industrial buildings and then to international relief, The people of KidCare International have always found a way to care Equip and Empower Desperately Disadvantaged Children and There Families At Home And Around the World.
At the fall of Communism, I traveled to Russia and witnessed first hand the deployable living conditions of starving orphans living in Russian orphanages, barely surviving on a diet costing less than 2 cents a day. Gathering a team of caring people, I began shipping containers of food and clothing and backpacks to these orphanages. Our teams traveled to meet these containers to ensure the children received the aid.
Since 1991 my wife, Janice and I have led countless teams of volunteers into many of the world's most dangerous trouble spots to bring emergency relief and critical aid to children and their families. With our "hands on” approach, we insure humanitarian relief quickly reaches those who need it the most. From personally delivering hundreds of shoes promised to orphans in the Russian Ural Mountains before the snowfall, to meeting containers of relief held up on foreign docks, I believe promises made are promises kept.
Along with continuous domestic projects like the KidCare Food Bank and KidPaks, KCI has shipped more than 50, 40-foot ocean containers plus airfreight shipments and semi truck loads containing emergency relief of food, water, hospital, medical and educational supplies. This life-saving relief has benefitted children and their families in Russian Orphanages, war-torn Kosovo and Albania, earthquake victims in Columbia, Tsunami victims in Sri Lanka, AIDS casualties in South Africa, Katrina Hurricane survivors in New Orleans, earthquake survivors in Haiti, Tanzania AIDS orphans and victims of war-torn Ukraine.
“We sincerely appreciate the generous gifts and support from our donors, partners and volunteers and would like to encourage you to consider joining with others in being a beacon of “Hope” today in an increasingly dark world. Your donation of any amount is greatly appreciated! Many times, over the years, the burden of our mission has been overwhelming. But, I have seen miracles come at just the right (sometimes the last) moment. Many of them have been Christmas miracles.